PTB Ion Accelerator Facility, Braunschweig, Germany

Credit: PTB
The Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB) is the National Metrology Institute of Germany. At the PTB Ion Accelerator Facility (PIAF), protons, deuterium and 4He beams can be provided either by a 2 MV tandetron or by a CV28 cyclotron accelerator. These ion beams can be used directly, for microbeam analysis, or to generate secondary radiation fields – high energy photons, monoenergetic neutrons, or high-intensity neutron beams with broad energy distributions. Pulsed mode of the ion beams with ns time resolution allows for time-of-flight measurements with flight distances up to 30 m

ChETEC-INFRA collection dates and user times:
Contact information:
- Dr. Elisa Pirovano ()
Country of installation:
- Germany
- everyone whose affiliation is outside of Germany can apply for TNA
Key information at a glance:
Presentation of TNA to PIAF given at the ChETEC-INFRA kick-off meeting (May 4, 2021):
Quantity of access to be provided:
- 140 beam time hours