Cyclotron, Debrecen, Hungary

Credit: ATOMKI, Támas Szücs

The institute is offering beam time hours by its MGC-20 cyclotron. The accelerator is capable to deliver proton, deuteron, 3He and alpha beams up to 18 MeV, 10 MeV, 27 MeV and 20 MeV respectively.
The users can apply for use of three different beamlines:
- At the dedicated Nuclear Astrophysics beamline activation of samples can be performed. During the irradiation the target stability can be monitored with the RBS method with the use of a built in Si surface barrier detector.
- Behind an analysing magnet, which improves the beam resolution and geometrical size, a scattering chamber with particle detectors is also available for the users. It is about 90 cm in diameter and equipped with a turntable. There are several Si surface barrier particle detectors available to be installed on the turntable.
- The vertical beamline is dedicated for isotope production. For example excessive amount of 7Be can be produced and handled there.
As auxiliary equipment a vacuum evaporator can be used for target production, and several target analysis method (RBS, PIXE, XRF, SNMS, ICPMS) are available in the institute.
Additional to these, several HPGe detectors can be of use for offline activity counting and in-beam gamma spectroscopy.

More information about the cyclotron can be found in a recent publication: S. Biri et al., “The Atomki Accelerator Centre”, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 136, 247 (2021)
ChETEC-INFRA collection dates and user times:
Contact information:
Country of installation:
- Hungary
- everyone whose affiliation is outside of Hungary can apply for TNA
Key information at a glance:
Presentation of TNA to ATOMKI given at the ChETEC-INFRA kick-off meeting (May 4, 2021):
Quantity of access to be provided:
- 280 beam time hours