First Proposals for Transnational Access Under Evaluation

The five proposals for ChETEC-INFRA’s Transnational Access (TNA) program have been received and will now be evaluated. The first call for proposals closed on May 17, 2021 and four proposals for telescope facilities as well as one proposal for a nuclear laboratory has been received. After a feasibility check by the hosting facilities, proposals will be evaluated by the User Selection Panel (USP) in July 2021, for user time at the facilities between September and November 2021.

Calls for proposals through transnational access are on a three-month cycle. The second call will close on August 17, 2021 for user time in the period of December 2021 to February 2022.

ChETEC-INFRA Project Starts with Kick-Off Meeting

The ChETEC-INFRA project started on May 1. The first kick-off meeting took place virtually on May 4-5.

Invited presentations by representatives of other COST actions – ChETEC, PHAROS, and MW-GAIA – and Advanced Communities – OPTICON, Europlanet and RADIATE – provided details on successfully running community projects in related fields, and offered advise that ChETEC-INFRA as a Starting Community project will benefit from.

Transnational access, as one of the pillars of ChETEC-INFRA, is provided by 13 facilities within the network. Each facility was presented, outlining the available resources, services and requirements. Breakout sessions gave room to starting the individual Work Packages (WPs), including the Joint Research Activities (JRAs) and Networking Activities (NAs).

A total of 124 participants from 23 countries registered for the event. Slides of the presentations can be found on the Indico Page of the meeting.