ChETEC-INFRA TNA Event on November 29: Transnational Access and the Viper HPC Cluster

On Monday, 29.11.2021, 15:30 – 16:30 (Brussels time) the 4th edition of the „ChETEC-INFRA TNA event“ will take place on Zoom. After a brief presentation outlining TNA in ChETEC-INFRA, the Viper High-Performance Computing Cluster at the University of Hull will be presented. The rest of the session will be devoted to questions and answers. The session will be recorded, slides and the recordings will be made available.

Update: The event has taken place. The slides are available for download here, a recording of the presentation will be available on this site shortly.

Third Call for Transnational Access Proposals still open until November 17

Proposals for transnational access to one of the thirteen partner facilities in ChETEC-INFRA in the current third call can be submitted until November 17, 2021. The following fourth call will then be open until February 17, 2022.

Transnational access is open to scientists of all nationalities and based in all countries (with limits on the amount of access given to users outside the EU and associated countries), and is allocated by an independent user selection panel. Further information on the program and the partner facilities can be found on the TNA page. Practical guides on how to apply and contact information in case of questions are available to download on the individual facility pages.

SNAQs: How to interpret stellar spectra?

The 7th edition of SNAQs [snacks], the Schools on Nuclear Astrophysics Questions will be held on November 10, 2021, and will focus on the question “How to interpret stellar spectra?”.

In addition to two lectures on the subject, young scientists (students and young postdocs) are highly encouraged to submit an abstract for a scientific talk on the topic of this SNAQ. Abstract submission is open until November 3.

Registration, abstract submission and further details are available on the SNAQs November 2021 Indico page.

Postdoctoral Research Associate in “Theoretical Stellar Astrophysics” at Keele University

Keele University’s Faculty of Natural Sciences wishes to appoint a Post-Doctoral Research Associate (PDRA) starting as soon as possible (no later than mid-March 2022), to conduct research in theoretical stellar astrophysics. 

The appointed PDRA will work in the group of Prof. Raphael Hirschi within the Astrophysics Group to conduct research on 3D hydrodynamic simulations of massive stars and theoretical stellar astrophysics for the STFC-funded project entitled “Synergetic 321D modelling of SN, NS and BH progenitors”, as part of the BRIDGCE UK consortium.

Further details about this vacancy can be found in this document (.docx), or online.

ChETEC-INFRA TNA Event on October 25: Transnational Access and NAO-Rozhen

On Monday, 25.10.2021, 15:30 – 16:30 (Brussels time) the second „ChETEC-INFRA TNA event“ will take place on Zoom. After a brief introduction to Transnational Access in ChETEC-INFRA, the Bulgarian National Astronomical Observatory (NAO-Rozhen) will be presented.

During and after the session there will be time for questions and answers on the Observatory and Transnational Access in General. The session will be recorded, slides and the recordings will be made available.

Update: The event has taken place. Slides on the National Astronomical Observatory can be downloaded here. A recording of the event will be available on this page, shortly.

SNAQs: How to study stars from underground laboratories and deep-sea samples?

The next edition of of the online Schools on Nuclear Astrophysics Questions [SNAQs] takes place on October 13 from 14:00 to 17:30 (CEST) on Zoom.

Two – at first glance unlikely – sites that help understanding stars are at the center of this school: 1) underground laboratories, and 2) the deep-sea / oceanic crust. For each site a lecture will introduce how they contributed to the field of nuclear astrophysics. Scientific talks will then highlight two specific studies, at facilities that are also available for access through ChETEC-INFRA.

The program and registration forms are available on the event website.

ChETEC-INFRA TNA Event on September 27: Transnational Access and the VERA Facility

On Monday, 27.09.2021, 15:30 – 16:30 (Brussels time) the second „ChETEC-INFRA TNA event“ will take place on Zoom. After a brief presentation outlining TNA in ChETEC-INFRA, the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator will be presented. The rest of the session will be devoted to questions and answers. The session will be recorded, slides and the recordings will be made available.

Update: A recording of the event is available:

Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Solar/Nuclear Astrophysics (ICE, CSIC, Barcelona)

The Institute of Space Sciences (ICE, CSIC) in Barcelona, Spain, is seeking applications for a 2-year
Postdoctoral position to work with A. Serenelli in Solar/Nuclear Astrophysics within the
framework of ChETEC-INFRA.

The successful candidate will play a leading role within the ChETEC Work Package dedicated to
solar physics, in particular nuclear astrophysics in the Sun. Activities will involve, among others:
establishing a new set of standard reference for key nuclear reactions for solar evolution and
solar neutrino production, development of new generation of solar models. The candidate will
be encouraged to take part in other ChETEC activities.

Review of applications will start on November 15st 2021 and the position will be open until filled.
Starting date can be as early as February 1st, 2022, but later dates can be arranged.

For further details please refer to the call for applications.

Update (Oct. 18): Call for applications updated.

Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2020 Attracts More Than 80 Participants

The Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2020 (CSSP20) was held safely and successfully on August 18-27, 2021 in Sinaia, Romania. In spite of the challenges associated with the global health situation, the organizers succeeded to conduct the school as a purely in-person event with 82 participants (about 50 of them students), exceeding the initial expectations for a smaller edition of this school under the difficult circumstances.

In total, 27 lecturers gave 34 hours of lectures. This was complemented by 32 communications by students and early career researchers. The scientific program covered the whole range of topics in the title of the school, from Exotic nuclei, to Nuclear Astrophysics, Astroparticle Physics and Physics with small accelerators. The traditional outreach session was filled with brief presentations on IFIN-HH, IFA and their founder, Prof. Horia Hulubei (with the 125 anniversary of his birth coming up in November) and discussions on “science and scientific meetings in times of crisis”.

A detailed program and further information can be found on the Indico page of the school. The presentations and a number of photos from CSSP20 will be posted soon on the webpage of the event.

The organizers acknowledge support by ENSAR2 and its work package NuSPRASEN, NUSTAR, COST ChETEC and ChETEC-INFRA networks that helped disseminate information about the event, and to the who came to present lectures.

The next edition of CSSP is planned for 2023, in coordination with the European Network of Nuclear Astrophysics Schools (ENNAS).

PostDoctoral Researcher Position at Eotvos Lorand University and Gothard Astrophysical Observatory

The MTA-ELTE Lendület “Momentum” Milky Way Research Group at the Eotvos Lorand University and Gothard Astrophysical Observatory invites applicants for postdoctoral research fellow position in the field of galactic astronomy, high resolution spectroscopy and abundance analysis of stars.

Applicants should have a Ph.D. in astronomy or a related field, and should have demonstrated exceptional research potential in their fields. The successful applicants will work with Szabolcs Mészáros at the Gothard Astrophysical Observatory (Szombathely, Hungary) on public data of the Milky Way Mapper survey part of the 5th phase of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. The research topic includes the observed chemical structure of our Milky Way and theoretical synthetic synthesis and model atmospheres. Experience in abundance analysis of stars is an advantage, but not a requirement.

The initial appointment for Research Fellow is for one year with the possibility of a two-time renewal of two additional years, depending on the research performance and the extension of the MTA-ELTE Lendület “Momentum” Milky Way Research Group.

Interested candidates should submit applications to Szabolcs Mészáros ().

The applications should include: CV, Research Statement (maximum 2 pages), an ADS library link of the list of publications.

All documents should be submitted by the 30th of September for full consideration, the employment will start no later than 1st of January 2022