On Monday, May 23, 2022 at 15:30 – 16:30 (Brussels time) the next edition of the „ChETEC-INFRA TNA event“ will take place on Zoom: Meeting Link.
After an introduction outlining TNA in ChETEC-INFRA, the DREAMS Accelerator Mass Spectrometry Facility in Dresden, Germany, will be presented with slides and a virtual tour of the laboratory. The remaining session will be available for Q&A. The event will be recorded, slides and the recordings will be made available.
Questions and inquiries on Transnational Access can also be addressed during the drop-in Office Hours via Zoom.
The ongoing call 5 for Transnational Access Proposals to be collected for evaluation closes on May 17. TNA through ChETEC-INFRA offers access to 13 facilities (telescopes, nuclear laboratories and high-performance computing), without access cost for the proposer and with the possibility to support travel expenses.
Prospective proposers are encouraged to contact the facilities to discuss the technical feasibility of their proposal. Each of the 13 facility pages offers a check list with key information for each facility, as well as contact information for the facility managers and the transnational access coordinators.
Proposers are asked to use the provided templates for their proposals. The access times at the facilities corresponding to the current call are listed here.
For questions and information on transnational access, there is the possibility to join an open Zoom meeting every Monday between 14:30 and 15:00.
Proposals are collected for evaluation every 3 months. After May 17, the next collection period will close on August 17, 2022.
The preliminary program of the 2nd ChETEC-INFRA General Assembly (May 31 – June 1 in Padova, Italy) is now available on the Indico-Page of the meeting. The meeting is open, not only to partners of ChETEC-INFRA. Presentations will be given in hybrid mode.
In February 2021 the first edition of the School on Nuclear Astrophysics Questions (SNAQs) launched. With monthly schools – except for a summer break and months with in-person schools taking place, a total of nine schools were held up to January 2021 when SNAQs celebrated the conclusion of its first year.
Each of the nine schools revolved around one topical question of nuclear astrophysics. The topic was introduced in lectures, and underlined through presentations by young researchers. In total more than 1000 participants followed the schools, with attendants from within Europe and beyond.
Following this success, SNAQs will continue in its second year. After an edition on the role of outreach programs in nuclear astrophysics in April, the next edition of SNAQs on May 11 will focus on accurate abundances of chemical elements in stars. Abstracts for contributions from young researchers can be submitted until May 4.
The 11th edition of the “St. Tecla School” will be hosted at INFN’s Laboratori Nazioanli del Sud (LNS) in Catania, Sicily.
Information is available on the School’s Indico page, including a first circular and poster. Registration and abstract submission for student contributions are now open.
The ChETEC-INFRA community has noted with horror the war of aggression on Ukraine. ChETEC-INFRA includes several Associated Partners in Ukraine and wishes to express its strong solidarity and support for them and their families. We call for an immediate end to hostilities, and we fully support the European Union’s official response.
Searching for answers to science’s fundamental questions requires not only team effort, but the effort of multiple teams across multiple countries. In its quest to answer questions about the evolution and properties of cosmic matter and the origin of the world’s chemical elements, the International Research Network for Nuclear Astrophysics (IReNA) welcomes ChETEC-INFRA as a new member, expanding the network to nine institutions.
Since its founding in 2019, IReNA has improved communication across countries and disciplines to take advantage of developments in astronomy, nuclear experiments, and theory. It is enabled by the National Science Foundation’s AccelNet program dedicated to support strategic linkages among U.S. research networks and complementary networks abroad. IReNA employs a novel mechanism of connecting regional research networks across the world into a global network of networks.
Nuclear astrophysics is a multidisciplinary field that addresses scientific questions at the intersection of nuclear physics and astrophysics. Research networks connecting nuclear physicists, astronomers, and modelers are key to making progress.
“We are excited to partner with IReNA to accelerate progress in our field”
Daniel Bemmerer, Project Coordinator ChETEC-INFRA
IReNA allows its new member networks to expand their access to laboratories and telescopes. In turn, IReNA benefits from the expanded pool of expertise and resources provided by the new member networks. With ChETEC-INFRA, Transnational Access to 13 European facilities for nuclear astrophysics research is open for world-wide scientific proposals. Its monthly SNAQs schools are organized online and open to all participants.
The second ChETEC-INFRA General Assembly will be organized in Padova from May 31 to June 1, 2022. The meeting will be run in a hybrid format, though we strongly hope that meeting on site will be possible for the majority of the participants.
Information about the assembly can be found on the conference site, where registrations are open now, closing on April 30.
The current call for Transnational Access Proposals to be collected for evaluation closes on February 17. TNA through ChETEC-INFRA offers access to 13 facilities (telescopes, nuclear laboratories and high-performance computing), without access cost for the proposer and with the possibility to support travel expenses.
Prospective proposers are encouraged to contact the facilities to discuss the technical feasibility of their proposal. Each of the 13 facility pages offers a check list with key information for each facility, as well as contact information for the facility managers and the transnational access coordinators.
For questions and information on transnational access, there is also the possibility to join an open Zoom meeting every Monday between 14:30 and 15:00.
Proposals are collected for evaluation every 3 months. After February 17, the next collection period will close on May 17.