General Information
Join us on a journey through the elements, to discover the world of Nuclear Astrophysics. Learn the basics of stellar evolution and nuclear reactions, to understand the nucleosynthesis and the formation of the chemical elements. Analyze stellar spectra to find out what the visual fingerprints of stars tell us about the evolution of the cosmos. And travel with us back to the Big Bang to uncover the story behind the creation of the first chemical elements.
Key data
- For whom: For 8–24 students aged 14 and up
- Where: In school labs and schools
- How long: Approx. 6 hours (or 8 teaching hours)
- Who: Conducted by scientists from the field of nuclear or astrophysics (facilitators)
- Requirements:
- A computer or notebook for every two participants. The masterclass can also be held in a computer lab.
- Calculators for all participants.
Masterclass I – A journey through the elements
- Introduction to the principles of nuclear reactions
- Reconstructing the evolution of a star & building a Hertzsprung-Russell diagram
- Insight into the work of nuclear physicists & astrophysicists
- Analyzing the data of an experiment carried out by nuclear physicists at a particle accelerator
- Tracing the origin of the elements and the meaning of nucleosynthesis

Masterclass II – Fingerprints of the stars
- Introduction to the principles of nuclear reactions
- Reconstructing the formation & evolution of a star
- Reconstruction of the processes that formed the first matter immediately after the Big Bang
- Analysis of spectra of old stars measured by astronomers with the Very Large Telescope
- Tracing the origin of the elements and the meaning of nucleosynthesis

Masterclass Materials
Masterclass I – A journey through the elements
Data Analysis Tool:
Masterclass II – Fingerprints of the stars
WebSME Data Analysis Tool:
Email contact: Netzwerk Teilchenwelt:
Please include the following information in your email request:
- Name of school and location of event
- Favourite date
- How many students at which grade level
Contact formula:
Contact the science ambassadors directly:
More details can be found on the Masterclass web page.