ChETEC-INFRA offers support for 20 European students and early career researchers to participate in the 2023 Nuclei in the Cosmos, NIC-XVII, school. The school is held September 10-15, in Daejeon, Korea. The support will cover the complete registration fee, including accommodation, lunch coupons, banquet, and coffee breaks. Hence, student’s home affiliations only have to cover …
Category Archives: Events
ChETEC-INFRA General Assembly & TA User Meeting Registration Open until May 22
On June 6-7, the 3rd General Assembly and a TA User Meeting of ChETEC-INFRA will be hosted at Atomki in Debrecen, Hungary. Registration and details on the event are available on the Indico page: Indico – ChETEC-INFRA 3rd General Assembly & Transnational Access User Meeting
ChINOS 2023: Observational School with Hands-On Operation of the Nordic Optical Telescope now Open for Registrations
The 1st ChETEC-INFRA Observational School (ChINOS) to take place at Ondřejov Observatory near Prague, Czech Republic, from July 24-28, 2023. The school will provide hands-on experience with designing and executing stellar observations and analysing spectroscopic data to be collected with the Nordic Optical Telescope on La Palma, The Canaries, Spain. For this purpose, three remote …
3rd ChETEC-INFRA General Assembly announced June 6-7, 2023
Following the previous meeting in Padova, the next ChETEC-INFRA General Assembly will be hosted at Atomki in Debrecen, Hungary, and take place on June 6 and 7, 2023. Please save the date. For details please refer to the Indico page of the General Assembly. Registration will be available, soon. Updated April 21: Registrations are open …
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Successful ChETEC-INFRA Review Meeting in Brussels
On March 1st 2023, the ChETEC-INFRA project successfully passed its mid-term review, which was carried out in hybrid form at the Helmholtz Association’s office in Brussels. After an introduction by the project coordinator Daniel Bemmerer (HZDR), the meeting took off with two highlight presentations: Maria Bergemann (MPIA Heidelberg) reported on a new determination of solar …
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Online Event: Transnational Access and the Van-de-Graaff Accelerator at GUF (March 6)
Continuing our series on virtual events on Transnational Access, Monday March 6, at 16:00 CET, will feature a general overview of transnational access in ChETEC-INFRA, and a facility presentation of the Van-de-Graaff Accelerator at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. The meeting will be held on Zoom (meeting link). TA is open to researchers worldwide, providing access to …
Online Event: Transnational Access and the Molėtai Astronomical Observatory (Jan. 30)
Continuing our series on virtual events on Transnational Access, next Monday – January 30, at 16:00 CET, will feature a general overview of transnational access in ChETEC-INFRA, and a facility presentation of the Molėtai Astronomical Observatory in Lithuania. The meeting will be held on Zoom (meeting link). The next collection date for Transnational Access (TA) …
18th Russbach School on Nuclear Astrophysics Open for Registration
The 2023 edition of the Russbach School on Nuclear Astrophysics will take place from March 12-18 (arrival-departure), 2023. The school will bring together specialists from astrophysics, astronomy, cosmochemistry and nuclear physics. Participants are highly encouraged to contribute to the program with presentations on their work. More information can be found in the first circular for …
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30th Carpathian Summer School of Physics Announced for July 2023
The 30th edition of the Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2023 is scheduled to take place in Sinaia on July 2-15, 2023, as an in-person event. The school on “Exotic Nuclei and Nuclear/Particle Astrophysics. Physics with small accelerators” will feature a combination of school-like and conference-like presentations, with longer invited lectures by senior scientists/professors and …
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Next Edition of SNAQs, Schools on Nuclear Astrophysics Questions, on December 7
As limitations for in-person conferences are slowly lifted and travel to conferences, meetings, schools, and workshops is more common again, the SNAQs organizing committee decided adjust the format and calendar for future editions of these Schools on Nuclear Astrophysics Questions. The new schedule foresees four editions of SNAQs per year, with a duration of less …
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