ChETEC-INFRA in Solidarity with Ukraine

The ChETEC-INFRA community has noted with horror the war of aggression on Ukraine. ChETEC-INFRA includes several Associated Partners in Ukraine and wishes to express its strong solidarity and support for them and their families. We call for an immediate end to hostilities, and we fully support the European Union’s official response.

ChETEC-INFRA TA Event on February 28: Trans-national Access and the Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering

On Monday, February 28, 2022 at 15:30 – 16:30 (Brussels time) the 4th edition of the „ChETEC-INFRA TA event“ will take place on Zoom: Meeting Link. After an introduction outlining TA in ChETEC-INFRA, the Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) will be presented. The rest of the session will …

ChETEC-INFRA Joins IReNA Network for Nuclear Astrophysics

Searching for answers to science’s fundamental questions requires not only team effort, but the effort of multiple teams across multiple countries. In its quest to answer questions about the evolution and properties of cosmic matter and the origin of the world’s chemical elements, the International Research Network for Nuclear Astrophysics (IReNA) welcomes ChETEC-INFRA as a …

Registration Open for ChETEC-INFRA General Assembly in Padova

The second ChETEC-INFRA General Assembly will be organized in Padova from May 31 to June 1, 2022. The meeting will be run in a hybrid format, though we strongly hope that meeting on site will be possible for the majority of the participants. Information about the assembly can be found on the conference site, where …

TNA Proposals: Call 4 open until February 17, Q&A Meeting Every Monday

The current call for Transnational Access Proposals to be collected for evaluation closes on February 17. TNA through ChETEC-INFRA offers access to 13 facilities (telescopes, nuclear laboratories and high-performance computing), without access cost for the proposer and with the possibility to support travel expenses. Prospective proposers are encouraged to contact the facilities to discuss the …

ChETEC-INFRA TNA Event on January 31: Transnational Access and the University of Cologne Accelerator Laboratory

On Monday, 31.01.2022, 15:30 – 16:30 (Brussels time) the next edition of the „ChETEC-INFRA TNA event“ will be held on Zoom (meeting link). After a brief presentation will introduce TNA in ChETEC-INFRA, followed by a presentation of the Accelerator Laboratory at the University of Cologne. During and after the session there will be time for …

Calendar 2022 Portraits Women Scientists that Shaped Nuclear Astrophysics

A new beautiful calendar for 2022 is now available to be downloaded and printed! The aim of this calendar is to remind the community of women contributions to science and to inspire the next generation of scientists. The material originated from a poster presented at the Nuclei in the Cosmos conference in 2018 (the proceedings …

SNAQs: Does Nuclear Astrophysics probe fundamental physics?

The 8th edition of SNAQs [snacks], the online Schools on Nuclear Astrophysics Questions will be held on December 8, 2021. Lectures by scientists and presentations by young scientists will revolve around the question “Does Nuclear Astrophysics probe fundamental physics?”. Abstract submission for contributions by young scientists (master and PhD students, as well as young postdocs) …

ChETEC-INFRA TNA Event on November 29: Transnational Access and the Viper HPC Cluster

On Monday, 29.11.2021, 15:30 – 16:30 (Brussels time) the 4th edition of the „ChETEC-INFRA TNA event“ will take place on Zoom. After a brief presentation outlining TNA in ChETEC-INFRA, the Viper High-Performance Computing Cluster at the University of Hull will be presented. The rest of the session will be devoted to questions and answers. The …

Third Call for Transnational Access Proposals still open until November 17

Proposals for transnational access to one of the thirteen partner facilities in ChETEC-INFRA in the current third call can be submitted until November 17, 2021. The following fourth call will then be open until February 17, 2022. Transnational access is open to scientists of all nationalities and based in all countries (with limits on the …