Successful ChETEC-INFRA Review Meeting in Brussels

On March 1st 2023, the ChETEC-INFRA project successfully passed its mid-term review, which was carried out in hybrid form at the Helmholtz Association’s office in Brussels. After an introduction by the project coordinator Daniel Bemmerer (HZDR), the meeting took off with two highlight presentations: Maria Bergemann (MPIA Heidelberg) reported on a new determination of solar …

Online Event: Transnational Access and the Van-de-Graaff Accelerator at GUF (March 6)

Continuing our series on virtual events on Transnational Access, Monday March 6, at 16:00 CET, will feature a general overview of transnational access in ChETEC-INFRA, and a facility presentation of the Van-de-Graaff Accelerator at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. The meeting will be held on Zoom (meeting link). TA is open to researchers worldwide, providing access to …

Call for Transnational Access Projects Open until November 17

The next collection date for Transnational Access (TNA) Projects to the 13 ChETEC-INFRA Partner Facilities is November 17, 2022. TNA is open to researchers worldwide, providing access to accelerator laboratories, observatories, or a high-performance computing cluster for their scientific projects in Nuclear Astrophysics. – Without access costs to the user, and the possibility of travel …

ChETEC-INFRA TNA Event on October 25: Transnational Access and NAO-Rozhen

On Monday, 25.10.2021, 15:30 – 16:30 (Brussels time) the second „ChETEC-INFRA TNA event“ will take place on Zoom. After a brief introduction to Transnational Access in ChETEC-INFRA, the Bulgarian National Astronomical Observatory (NAO-Rozhen) will be presented. During and after the session there will be time for questions and answers on the Observatory and Transnational Access …

SNAQs: How to study stars from underground laboratories and deep-sea samples?

The next edition of of the online Schools on Nuclear Astrophysics Questions [SNAQs] takes place on October 13 from 14:00 to 17:30 (CEST) on Zoom. Two – at first glance unlikely – sites that help understanding stars are at the center of this school: 1) underground laboratories, and 2) the deep-sea / oceanic crust. For …

ChETEC-INFRA TNA Event on September 27: Transnational Access and the VERA Facility

On Monday, 27.09.2021, 15:30 – 16:30 (Brussels time) the second „ChETEC-INFRA TNA event“ will take place on Zoom. After a brief presentation outlining TNA in ChETEC-INFRA, the Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator will be presented. The rest of the session will be devoted to questions and answers. The session will be recorded, slides and the recordings …

Postdoctoral Researcher Position in Solar/Nuclear Astrophysics (ICE, CSIC, Barcelona)

The Institute of Space Sciences (ICE, CSIC) in Barcelona, Spain, is seeking applications for a 2-yearPostdoctoral position to work with A. Serenelli in Solar/Nuclear Astrophysics within theframework of ChETEC-INFRA. The successful candidate will play a leading role within the ChETEC Work Package dedicated tosolar physics, in particular nuclear astrophysics in the Sun. Activities will involve, …

Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2020 Attracts More Than 80 Participants

The Carpathian Summer School of Physics 2020 (CSSP20) was held safely and successfully on August 18-27, 2021 in Sinaia, Romania. In spite of the challenges associated with the global health situation, the organizers succeeded to conduct the school as a purely in-person event with 82 participants (about 50 of them students), exceeding the initial expectations …

PostDoctoral Researcher Position at Eotvos Lorand University and Gothard Astrophysical Observatory

The MTA-ELTE Lendület “Momentum” Milky Way Research Group at the Eotvos Lorand University and Gothard Astrophysical Observatory invites applicants for postdoctoral research fellow position in the field of galactic astronomy, high resolution spectroscopy and abundance analysis of stars. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in astronomy or a related field, and should have demonstrated exceptional research …

Second call for Transnational Access Proposals Closes on August 17

Proposals for the current second call for transnational access (TA) can be submitted up to August 17. This call relates to user time at the facilities from December 2021 to February 2022 (inclusive). An introduction to transnational access has been given at the recent first ChETEC-INFRA TNA event. More information on TA can be found …