On March 1st 2023, the ChETEC-INFRA project successfully passed its mid-term review, which was carried out in hybrid form at the Helmholtz Association’s office in Brussels.
After an introduction by the project coordinator Daniel Bemmerer (HZDR), the meeting took off with two highlight presentations: Maria Bergemann (MPIA Heidelberg) reported on a new determination of solar elemental abundances, and Denise Piatti (INFN Padova) about a recent transnational access experiment at HZDR Felsenkeller.
The meeting included presentations by all the ChETEC-INFRA Executive Board members and addressed all the main areas of work of ChETEC-INFRA. Topics included transnational access provision (Konrad Schmidt, HZDR), JRA on abundances (Arūnas Kučinskas, Vilnius University), JRA on nucleosynthesis computing (Marco Pignatari, Konkoly Observatory Budapest), JRA on lab improvements (Marco La Cognata, INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud).
Dissemination, outreach, and innovation were addressed (Uta Bilow, TU Dresden), the connection between the nuclear astrophysics and planetary science communities (Maria Lugaro, Konkoly Observatory Budapest), comprehensive approaches to nuclear astrophysics (Jordi José, UPC Barcelona), gender and inclusiveness aspects (Sandrine Courtin, CNRS Strasbourg), and new data products from ChETEC-INFRA (Aldo Serenelli, CSIC Barcelona).
In the feedback session, both the external expert reviewer and the project officer expressed their great appreciation for the project and of all the work done and gave a very positive feedback. They asked the Executive Board to transmit this message to all people contributing to and using ChETEC-INFRA.