Infrastructures for Trans-national Access (TA)

ChETEC-INFRA provides transnational access to the 13 infrastructures networked in the project. New and outside users are especially welcome!

Call for Proposals

Proposals can be submitted through the GATE server continuously. The independent user selection panel meets every three months. The next collection date is August 17, 2024.

How to Apply


TA User Office

Brief definition of transnational access (TA)

Transnational access by scientific users

  • crosses national borders (i.e. users must use an installation located outside the country where they work),
  • is free of charge to the users (access fees to the facilities are paid by the European Union),
  • may include travel support for the users, again funded by the EU,
  • should generally foresee to publish the scientific results,
  • is open to scientists of all nationalities and based in all countries (with limits on the amount of access given to users outside the EU and associated countries),
  • is allocated by an independent user selection panel, solely based on scientific merit.

Details on the transnational access scheme are shown in this presentation (4 May 2021). The detailed eligibility and scoring criteria are given on this page.

Weekly TA "Office Hours"

For questions and information on transnational access, open Zoom meetings takes place Monday between 14:30 and 15:00 at this meeting link. In case of holidays etc. please confirm with the calendar.

Monthly TA event (Zoom)

You are invited to attend our monthly TA event on Zoom, which features one of the ChETEC-INFRA facilities and allows users to ask any question they may have on Trans-national Access.

TA events presented so far:

Facilities offering access

Facilities with Trans-national Access include:

Felsenkeller 5 MV underground ion accelerator, HZDR, Dresden, Germany

5 MV Pelletron accelerator for nuclear cross section measurements in a shallow-underground laboratory, shielded from cosmic radiation.

Pelletron-Beschleuniger im Felsenkeller-Labor (Credit: HZDR/André Wirsig)
Credit: HZDR, André Wirsig
DREAMS (DREsden Accelerator Mass Spectromety), HZDR, Dresden, Germany

State-of-the-art AMS facility with a 6 MV tandem accelerator, dedicated AMS beamlines and dedicated ion sources.

Accelerator Tank for DREAMS at HZDR
Credit: HZDR, Oliver Killig
VERA (Vienna Environmental Research Accelerator), University of Vienna, Austria

Dedicated facility for AMS based on a 3-MV tandem accelerator, with a scientific focus on the advancement of ultra-trace analysis of long-lived radionuclides.

Credit: Peter Steier
Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory, Chepelare, Bulgaria

Observational facility located in Rodopa mountain, with three telescopes for optical observations of comets, asteroids, stars, star clusters and galaxies and a telescope for observations of the Sun.

Credit: IANAO, Pencho Markishki
Perek 2-m Telescope, Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Ondřejov, Czech Republic

Telescope located south-west of Prague, equipped with a single-order spectrograph and an echelle spectrograph.

Credit: Zdeněk Bardon
NOT (Nordic Optical Telescope), La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain

2.56m telescope owned and operated in collaboration at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos (La Palma, Spain).

Credit: Robert "Bob" Tubbs
Frankfurt Van de Graaff accelerator, Goethe-University Frankfurt (GUF), Germany

Accelerator facility for proton or alpha beam at 1 - 2.5 MeV, with the capability of neutron production via 7Li(p,n).

Credit: Christian Schwarz
PIAF (PTB Ion Accelerator Facility), Braunschweig, Germany

Facility with two low-energy ion accelerators, a variable-energy isochronous cyclotron and a tandetron, providing DC or pulsed beams for time-of-flight experiments.

Credit: PTB
Cologne 10 MV FN Tandem accelerator, University of Cologne (UoC), Germany

10 MV FN tandem accelerator for nuclear physics and astrophysics research, connected to a fully-equipped target laboratory.

Credit: UoC, IKP
ATOMKI Cyclotron, Debrecen, Hungary

MGC-20 cyclotron capable of proton, deuteron, 3He and alpha beams.

Credit: ATOMKI, Tamás Szücs
MAO (Molėtai Astronomical Observatory), Vilnius University, Kulionys, Lithuania

Observatory with a 1.65 m Ritchey-Chretien telescope with VUES spectrograph, located 70 km north of Vilnius.

Credit: MAO
IFIN-HH Tandetrons, Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest-Măgurele, Romania

Facility with three tandem accelerators for nuclear astrophysics and AMS, and connected target laboratory.

Credit: IFIN-HH, Ion Burducea
VIPER High Performance Computing, University of Hull, United Kingdom

High Performance Computing (HPC) cluster with 180×2×14-core processors (3.3 GHz, 128GB RAM), 4×4×10-core processors (2GHz, 1TB RAM), and more.

Credit: VIPER, Chris Collins
Bellotti Ion Beam Facility, Assergi, Italy
(from 17.08.2024 call)

3.5 MV ion beam accelerator in a deep-underground laboratory, shielded from cosmic radiation.

Credit: LNGS, Accelerator Service