ChETEC-INFRA’s Transnational Access program offers access to 13 facilities in the field of nuclear astrophysics, spanning from accelerator laboratories for accelerator mass spectrometry (at DREAMS and VERA), accelerator facilities for ion beam experiments (Felsenkeller Accelerator Laboratory, Tandem Accelerator at the University of Cologne, Cyclotron at Atomki, van-de-Graaff accelerator at the University of Frankfurt, Tandetron accelerator at IFIN-HH, and the PTB Ion Accelerator Facility), a high-performance computing cluster (Viper) and optical telescopes (Nordic Optical Telescope, Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory, Perek 2-m Telescope at the Ondřejov observatory, Molėtai Astronomical Observatory).
While some facilities mainly offer access in visitor mode (users traveling to the facility to conduct their research, with financial support available for their travel), and others focus on service mode access (work on site at the facility performed by local staff in coordination with the users), various facilities are available to offer access in ways most suitable for the science case at hand.
As an example we would like to emphasize the case of the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT), which apart from regular visitor mode also offers (queue) service mode observing and provides a wide range of options for flexible scheduling through Target-of-Opportunity programs and/or monitoring programs on any time-scale (from hours to years).

Transnational Access proposals in ChETEC-INFRA are collected every three months. The current call for proposals is open until November 17, 2023.
Interested in which facility and mode of access may be most suitable for your nuclear astrophysics science case? Please do not hesitate to reach out to the contacts at the individual facilities or to the ChETEC-INFRA TA Management team via e-mail or through the weekly office hours.