The ChETEC-INFRA General Assembly and TA User Meeting took place on June 6-7, 2023 at the Institute for Nuclear Research (Atomki) in Debrecen, Hungary.

Participants at the Institute for Nuclear Research (Atomki) in Debrecen.
Of the 80 registered participants, about 50 signed up for on-site participation to this hybrid event, using this networking opportunity between nuclear astrophysics researchers from within and outside of ChETEC-INFRA.
In addition to reports on the activities of the Work Packages within ChETEC-INFRA, the conference program included scientific presentations from members of the consortium as well as other scientists in the field of nuclear astrophysics.
At the Transnational Access (TA) User meeting, presentations of TA users illustrated the scientific variety of user projects supported in TA program. A following round-table discussion allowed for an exchange on the practical aspects of the transnational access program in ChETEC-INFRA.