On the 3rd of September 2022, the ChETEC-INFRA Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics X school was concluded. The school took place at CERN (Geneva), and hosted 32 students or young post-docs (~50% females) from 13 Countries. The school was one of a kind, combining lectures and hands-on activities. Students had the chance to learn first-hand how to develop a Nuclear Astrophysics Masterclass, how to predict galactic chemical evolution with the OMEGA code, and how to plan an astronomical observation. Although observations at the Nordic Optical Telescope were not possible due to bad weather, the students still spent the night analyzing stellar spectra to derive chemical abundances.

In the framework of the school we also organized a public lecture entitled: “Our Milky Way seen by the GAIA Mission” at the Globe of Science and Innovation. The lecture was given by Laurent Eyer, Maître d’enseignement et de recherche at the Department of Astronomy, University of Geneva, and Leader of the Gaia variability processing and analysis. The event, supported by CERN & Society Foundation, was big success, with more than 210 participants! A recording of the lecture is available at: