A new beautiful calendar for 2022 is now available to be downloaded and printed!

The aim of this calendar is to remind the community of women contributions to science and to inspire the next generation of scientists.
The material originated from a poster presented at the Nuclei in the Cosmos conference in 2018 (the proceedings paper can be found here). The art and design for the final calendar were prepared by Christine Hampton.
The calendar was made first for 2021, translated in 27 languages with some hundred copies printed and distributed to schools. For 2022 the calendar has been translated into 17 languages, with 3000 copies printed and currently being distributed.
The project has been supported by the ChETEC COST Action, JINA-CEE, and IReNA.
You can download and print your own copy, choosing your preferred language among the available translations: Catalan, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Galician, German, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, or Ukrainian.
Download Calendar “Women Scientists who Made Nuclear Astrophysics” 2022
Further information can be requested by contacting Maria Lugaro.