On Monday, 26.07.2021, 15:30 – 16:30 there will be the first „ChETEC-INFRA TNA event“ on Zoom. After a brief presentation outlining TNA in ChETEC-INFRA, a featured TNA facility will be presented. The rest of the session will be devoted to questions and answers. The session will be recorded and published on Youtube.
The session on 26.07.2021 will be devoted to the Felsenkeller underground lab in Dresden, Germany. We plan to have further „TNA day“ sessions in September and October, each featuring a different ChETEC-INFRA infrastructure.
Update (28/7/2021): The event has taken place, slides of the two presentations are available here:
- Transnational Access in ChETEC-INFRA: An Overview
- TA Facility Felsenkeller: Access to astronuclear experiments